No-Cause Notices

Nevada law requires a thirty-day notice to the tenant (or a seven-day notice if the tenant pays rent weekly), followed by a five-day notice instructing the tenant to leave because tenant's presence is now unlawful. Learn when a "no-cause" notice can be used and what a tenant can do in response.

Notice Served on Tenant

To evict a tenant without cause, the tenant must be "served" with:

  1. A Thirty-Day "No Cause" Notice to Quit if the tenant pays rent by the month, or a Seven-Day "No Cause" Notice to Quit if the tenant pays rent by the week (NRS 40.251(1)(b)(1)); and
  2. A Five-Day Notice to Quit for Unlawful Detainer (NRS 40.254).

Both notices must be "served" on the tenant by a constable, sheriff, licensed process server, or an agent of an attorney licensed in Nevada. A landlord cannot serve the notices himself/herself. (NRS 40.280(1).)

The notices are available, free of charge, at the Civil Law Self-Help Center. You can also download the forms on your computer by clicking one of the listed formats underneath the form's title below:

Pdf Fillable | PDF Nonfillable

Pdf Fillable | PDF Nonfillable

LV only - Pdf Fillable | Other jurisdictions - Pdf Fillable

All eviction notices must be specific, typed or neatly written, and must not be altered in any way. (JCRCP 101, JCRLV 34(f)(1).)

For more information about serving eviction notices and filing a "summary" or "formal" eviction case, click to visit Information for Landlords.

Contents Of The Notice

The thirty-day or seven-day "no cause" notice should tell the tenant:

  1. The date the landlord expects the tenant to move, which must be at least thirty days after the date the thirty-day notice is served (NRS 40.251(1)(b)(1)(II)) or seven days after the date the seven-day notice is served (NRS 40.251(1)(b)(1)(I)); and
  2. If the tenant pays rent by the month or some other time period (but not by the week), and if the tenant is at least sixty years old or has a physical or mental disability, that the tenant can request to remain on the rental property for an additional thirty days by writing to the landlord and providing proof of age or disability (read "Responding to the Notice" below for more information) (NRS 40.251(2)).

The Five-Day Notice to Quit for Unlawful Detainer should tell the tenant:

  1. That the tenant can oppose the notice by filing an affidavit/answer with the court no later than the fifth full judicial (business) day after the date the notice was served, (NRS 40.254(1)(c)); and
  2. The name of the court that has jurisdiction where the tenant can file an affidavit/answer to oppose the notice (NRS 40.254(1)(b)); and
  3. That if the court decides the tenant is guilty of an unlawful detainer, the court could issue a summary order, directing the sheriff or constable to post the order on the premises within 24 hours after the order is received by the sheriff or constable, and that the sheriff or constable will remove the tenant between 24 and 36 hours after posting (NRS 40.253(b)(2)); and
  4. That a tenant can file an expedited complaint with the court if a landlord unlawfully locks the tenant out of the rental property or willfully interrupts an essential item or service (such as water, electricity, air conditioning, and the like) (NRS 40.253(3)(b)(3)).

If the landlord wants to use the "formal" eviction process (rather than the "summary" process), the landlord would only have the first thirty-day or seven-day notice to quit served. The landlord would then file a summons and complaint and have those served. Click to learn about Filing a Formal Eviction.

Responding To The Notice

When the tenant receives the thirty-day or seven-day "no cause" notice, the tenant can:

  1. Move; or
  2. Mail the landlord a written request to stay on the rental property for an additional thirty days past the expiration of the thirty-day notice (but only if the tenant does not pay rent by the week), along with proof that tenant is at least sixty years or has a physical or mental disability; or
  3. If the landlord rejects tenant's request, file Tenant's Motion to Continue in Possession (Elderly or Disabled) (which is available at the Self-Help Center or by clicking one of the links below), asking the court to give the tenant thirty additional days to move; or
  4. Wait to receive the Five-Day Notice to Quit for Unlawful Detainer (which can be served only after the first thirty-day or seven-day notice period runs).

When the tenant receives the Five-Day Notice to Quit for Unlawful Detainer, the tenant can, no later than the fifth full "judicial day" (judicial days do not include the date of service, weekends, or certain legal holidays):

  1. Move; or
  2. Mail the landlord a written request to stay for an additional thirty days past the expiration of the thirty-day notice (but only if the tenant does not pay rent by the week), along with proof that tenant is at least sixty years old or has a physical or mental disability; or
  3. If the landlord rejects the tenant's request, file Tenant's Motion to Continue in Possession (Elderly or Disabled) (which is available at the Self-Help Center or by clicking one of the links below), asking the court to give the tenant thirty additional days to move; or
  4. File an affidavit/answer with the justice court to oppose the notice and get a hearing with the judge; or
  5. File a motion with the court, asking the court to "stay" (delay) the eviction for up to ten days (pursuant to NRS 70.010).

CAUTION! Sending a written request to your landlord or filing a motion to continue in possession will not stop the eviction process. If you received a Five-Day Notice to Quit for Unlawful Detainer, you probably should file an affidavit/answer if your landlord has not yet responded to your written request or if the court has not acted on your motion.

Tenant's Letter requesting the Continuance and the Motion to Continue in Possession (Elderly or Disabled) is available, free of charge, at the Civil Law Self-Help Center. You can also download the form on your computer by clicking one of the listed formats underneath the form's title below:

PDF Fillable |
PDF Nonfillable

Pdf Fillable | PDF Nonfillable | Form Guide

For more information about how to respond to an eviction notice, click to visit Responding to an Eviction Notice.

Q&A - "No Cause" Notices

When can a landlord use a "no cause" eviction notice?

Must the landlord give the tenant an additional thirty days on the property if the tenant asks for it?

If the landlord allows the tenant to stay on the property for an additional thirty days (or if the court issues an order allowing the tenant to stay), does the tenant have to pay rent during that time?

What are some of the reasons an eviction based upon a thirty-day or seven-day "no cause" notice might not be appropriate or might be denied by the court?