Council Tax bands and your bill
The information on this page is designed to help you understand your Council Tax bill which we refer to as Council Tax Demand Notice. Details of the amount and the period of your award to Council Tax Support are shown on the front of your Council Tax notice. The numbered list below explains your bill in further detail:
- The date the notice was issued.
- Name and address of person responsible for paying the bill.
- Council Tax account reference —please quote this number in any communication to us.
- Reason for issue, why it has it has been issued.
- This demand relates to (Property address if different), if post is re-directed to a different address, it will show here.
- Council Tax bill charges, consisting of charges for Harborough District Council, Special Expenses where applicable, Parish and or Town Council, Leicestershire County Council, Combined Fire Authority & Rescue and Police and Crime Commissioners.
- Breakdown of the notice showing the full charge for the property, plus any discounts/exemptions and adjustments made to your notice. Anything preceded by the word ‘Less’ means that the value will be deducted from the notice. Anything that is not preceded with ‘Less’ will have adjustments added to your notice. You can see a full list of exemptions and discounts on our dedicated webpage.
- The amount you have to pay.
- Instructions for how to pay your demand notice to include payment method.
Please note that you still have a duty to report change of circumstances affecting your entitlement. How you do this and your appeal rights are printed on the explanatory note which is on the back of your notice.
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