If you do not provide a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) URL, Cypress will make its best guess as to which host you want cy.request() to use in the URL.
cy.visit('http://localhost:8080/app') cy.request('users/1.json') // URL is http://localhost:8080/users/1.json
const defineConfig > = require('cypress') module.exports = defineConfig( e2e: baseUrl: 'http://localhost:1234' > >)
import defineConfig > from 'cypress' export default defineConfig( e2e: baseUrl: 'http://localhost:1234' > >)
The cypress.json file has been replaced by cypress.config.js or cypress.config.ts in Cypress version 10.0.0. We recommend that you update your configuration accordingly.
Please see the new configuration guide and the migration guide for more information.
"e2e": "baseUrl": "http://localhost:1234" > >
cy.request('seed/admin') // URL is http://localhost:1234/seed/admin
body (String, Object)
A request body to be sent in the request. Cypress sets the Accepts request header and serializes the response body by the encoding option.
method (String)
Make a request using a specific method. If no method is defined, Cypress uses the GET method by default.
Supported methods include:
options (Object)
Pass in an options object to change the default behavior of cy.request() .
You can also set options for cy.request() 's baseUrl and responseTimeout globally in configuration.
Option | Default | Description |
log | true | Displays the command in the Command log |
url | null | The URL to make the request to |
method | GET | The HTTP method to use in the request |
auth | null | Adds Authorization headers. Accepts these options. |
body | null | Body to send along with the request |
failOnStatusCode | true | Whether to fail on response codes other than 2xx and 3xx |
followRedirect | true | Whether to automatically follow redirects |
form | false | Whether to convert the body values to URL encoded content and set the x-www-form-urlencoded header |
encoding | utf8 | The encoding to be used when serializing the response body. The following encodings are supported: ascii , base64 , binary , hex , latin1 , utf8 , utf-8 , ucs2 , ucs-2 , utf16le , utf-16le |
gzip | true | Whether to accept the gzip encoding |
headers | null | Additional headers to send; Accepts object literal |
qs | null | Query parameters to append to the url of the request |
retryOnStatusCodeFailure | false | Whether Cypress should automatically retry status code errors under the hood. Cypress will retry a request up to 4 times if this is set to true. |
retryOnNetworkFailure | true | Whether Cypress should automatically retry transient network errors under the hood. Cypress will retry a request up to 4 times if this is set to true. |
timeout | responseTimeout | Time to wait for cy.request() to resolve before timing out |
You can also set options for cy.request() 's baseUrl and responseTimeout globally in the Cypress configuration.
Yieldscy.request() yields the response as an object literal containing properties such as:
cy.request() is great for talking to an external endpoint before your tests to seed a database.
beforeEach(() => cy.request('http://localhost:8080/db/seed') >)
Sometimes it's quicker to test the contents of a page rather than cy.visit() and wait for the entire page and all of its resources to load.
cy.request('/admin').its('body').should('include', 'Admin
cy.request('DELETE', 'http://localhost:8888/users/827')
cy.request('https://jsonplaceholder.cypress.io/comments').as('comments') cy.get('@comments').should((response) => expect(response.body).to.have.length(500) expect(response).to.have.property('headers') expect(response).to.have.property('duration') >)
cy.request('POST', 'http://localhost:8888/users/admin', name: 'Jane' >).then( (response) => // response.body is automatically serialized into JSON expect(response.body).to.have.property('name', 'Jane') // true > )
To test the redirection behavior of a login without a session, cy.request can be used to check the status and redirectedToUrl property.
The redirectedToUrl property is a special Cypress property that normalizes the URL the browser would normally follow during a redirect.
cy.request( url: '/dashboard', followRedirect: false, // turn off following redirects >).then((resp) => // redirect status code is 302 expect(resp.status).to.eq(302) expect(resp.redirectedToUrl).to.eq('http://localhost:8082/unauthorized') >)
By passing the encoding: binary option, the response.body will be serialized binary content of the file. You can use this to access various file types via .request() like .pdf , .zip , or .doc files.
cy.request( url: 'http://localhost:8080/some-document.pdf', encoding: 'binary', >).then((response) => cy.writeFile('path/to/save/document.pdf', response.body, 'binary') >)
By passing the encoding: base64 option, the response.body will be base64-encoded content of the image. You can use this to construct a Data URI for use elsewhere.
cy.request( url: 'https://docs.cypress.io/img/logo.png', encoding: 'base64', >).then((response) => const base64Content = response.body const mime = response.headers['content-type'] // or 'image/png' // see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/Data_URIs const imageDataUrl = `data:$mime>;base64,$base64Content>` >)
Oftentimes, once you have a proper e2e test around logging in, there's no reason to continue to cy.visit() the login and wait for the entire page to load all associated resources before running any other commands. Doing so can slow down our entire test suite.
Using cy.request() , we can bypass all of this because it automatically gets and sets cookies as if the requests had come from the browser.
cy.request( method: 'POST', url: '/login_with_form', // baseUrl is prepend to URL form: true, // indicates the body should be form urlencoded and sets Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded headers body: username: 'jane.lane', password: 'password123', >, >) // to prove we have a session cy.getCookie('cypress-session-cookie').should('exist')
This is useful when you're polling a server for a response that may take awhile to complete.
All we're really doing here is creating a recursive function. Nothing more complicated than that.
// a regular ol' function folks function req () cy .request(. ) .then((resp) => // if we got what we wanted if (resp.status === 200 && resp.body.ok === true) // break out of the recursive loop return // else recurse req() >) > cy // do the thing causing the side effect .get('button').click() // now start the requests .then(req)
Cypress does not actually make an XHR request from the browser. We are actually making the HTTP request from Cypress (in Node). So, you won't see the request inside of your Developer Tools.
Normally when the browser detects a cross-origin HTTP request, it will send an OPTIONS preflight check to ensure the server allows cross-origin requests, but cy.request() bypasses CORS entirely.
// we can make requests to any external server, no problem. cy.request('https://www.google.com/webhp?#q=cypress.io+cors') .its('body') .should('include', 'Testing, the way it should be') // true
Before sending the HTTP request, we automatically attach cookies that would have otherwise been attached had the request come from the browser. Additionally, if a response has a Set-Cookie header, these are automatically set back on the browser cookies.
In other words, cy.request() transparently performs all of the underlying functions as if it came from the browser.
The intention of cy.request() is to be used for checking endpoints on an actual, running server without having to start the front end application.
Request comments endpoint and test response
cy.request('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/comments').then((response) => expect(response.status).to.eq(200) expect(response.body).to.have.length(500) expect(response).to.have.property('headers') expect(response).to.have.property('duration') >)
The commands above will display in the Command Log as:
When clicking on request within the command log, the console outputs the following:
Version | Changes |
4.7.0 | Added support for encoding option. |
3.3.0 | Added support for options retryOnStatusCodeFailure and retryOnNetworkFailure . |
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